Tuesday, October 20, 2009

happy hour at fleurs


the day,i kacao my mom accomp me to go sunway cuz i got alot of things to do!secrets?haha..
aiyoo,dear ah...first time call you like that~your birthday lo,i know its kinda late but i still want to write it out for you.remember that night?i misunderstanding you..just because we didnt be honest to each other.how comes?ya,same as you,i didnt voice out...act like nothing~if heng didnt told me the truth then i really dunno what will happen.
sounds like crazy or funny,why my birthday but my gf just wanna go sunway?!!sorry bf,i really hope to stay alone with you and celebrate your birthday.but that is bad and selfish haha.
that night,your birthday,you called to my phone almost 20times,but i didnt pick up my phone.sorry,you sure very worry that what happened to me right?i can tell you if u want.
not close with your friends,how to plan a birthday party for you...sad nia..ask andy?hmm..zaniness=x
the next day,we used to stay alone and talked...=)you told me alot of things remember?i will keep it in my heart deeply.snuggle!
i miss you alot now.haiz.dont talk to wall or that white colour things la.share with me?even i dunno how to consule ppl with a right way.but i felt sad to see you talk with them and not me.woe..i know how you felt last time i told you i talked to my bear or wall.sorry my bf.pity..

haagen daz

gee!love green tea flavour



i wear it all the times ~tehee=)

yea,bought chocolates at here.

after that,i called my mum to shop alone.

there goes,a philippines girl works at there,i asked her to teach me.

friendly and sweet of her.haha!thanks alot!she teached me alot.














one hour++later~how its look?haha

mammi bought a shirt for you when she came back to this flower shop.

try this at station 1 cafe,

peach mansion?i forgot ady=p

p/s:stay at home,eating kinder joy now~!wahahahahaha...later got practise yo,yipes!

aiyo,ash a...promise to play the drum with you.next time ba.maybe after my trips,haha..have to save money for the trips.it is not a pretext la!haha,second times fongfeigei~they sure hate me now=(

wai,you ah!study study study!!!!i just can remind you to study~pls!jiayou!!!

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