Friday, November 20, 2009

i miss friday

finally,it is already holidays!happy holidays to all my frens.i feel geeky to spend my time at school,i was like wasting my time everyday.people work hard for study but what i did?nothing.and now,i'm worry about the performance,tuition stuff and alot more.

the night,stay overnight at weina's house.i exchange confidences with weina and xian.i miss that night...chit-chat,laugh,cry,gossip!haha
hey,i haven't finish watch the ghost movie!weee!!thai geh!sure nice!but most of us fall asleep that night cuz too tired.but its really scary!the old womanxDthe next day,unfair u guys finish it when i bath=(.feel so nice to sleep with juang and meiying,u know why? to sleep with weina,xian,and loke.i need to fight!xD

27/11 =D
nice day.went to midvalley with mom and her friend.then i called my darl to watch movie with me.the msg "cha dao siiiii".i stunned and went to cinema buy ticket alone!!yaaa,nothing special.i know you goaded me into doing it by saying me works. there is a girl queue up infront of me,quite pretty,then she was talking to his bf in phone,ask her bf to come faster.after few minutes,you know what happen?haha,her bf came to hold her hand and they walked away.i keep looking this couple,haha..her bf bought the ticket ady,then the girl beat sweet~thinking back last time ....=),the last message u told me to wait 30minutes.yikes!i just want to reply u then u appeared infront of me!lie to me again....haha.shan yi de huang yan=x i spend seven hours with you that day.we talked alot,played around and walked around.holding your hand=),i miss u now.haha..thk back~i burst into giggles,i love you<3.yesterday,you feeling not well,drink more water pls...

yeah~watch ninja with my darl,haha...above 18xD

okey,now i have to tell u guys that i wont transfer school,cuz sri kl no more place for form5 student.and my dad want me to stay in hostel next year cuz he said i am too that means i need to face all the problems what i did.i was thinking to change the society next year,if not i can't focus to study.i'm the doofus student=(.hostel....@@
wont go for tuition later,dunno what happen to my stomach again==.feel sorry to the addmath teacher cuz today is his last day to teach us.(i thk me)
the stupid tuition stuff!!!thinking how to settle.
hmmm...after japan trip then start school,no more time to year spm lo.
left five days,i haven't learn to wear contact lens,i need to call my sis fetch me to sunway make up!!!doodah!!!must be alot zingy girl that night....ya u right!performance...see you there!




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