Friday, September 18, 2009


hai,exam is coming soon!i studied the whole afternoon,believe it or not?haha.
yuling!you see my ahsum po look~this is how i wear at my house,you really thought i always wear very pretty at house meh,kai wan xiao..very tired if a person need to be pretty everymoment.fake dao si...agree?haha
i wanna say thanks to all of you guys~mhui,loke,juang,xian,yling,mying,yting,pying,xwei,and more~i will study harder!dont guys must study too!jiayou!this is the last chance..(i think for me only)
and you!my dear considerate bf!thanks for remind me to study.dunno why,i felt like you not happy this few days,even u didnt voice out to me,sorry that i can't give what you want.i very shi bai=(
exam is coming very soon!!!arghhhh!!!my shit face wanna come out ady!!!my family sure very scared of me.suan la,not the first time usual...

didnt wear in blue purposely=)
this photos are after the rehearsal of competition at tian hou gong.pying,xwei,and i went to midvalley gaigai~lalalalall

and ofcox the same day i went to look out point had dinner with myboy and andy.

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