Tuesday, September 8, 2009

the competition@tian hou gong

hey guys!happy holidays!yoyo,grandma come back for you again~haha all of my society members attend to this competition!is that cool?i think so...hope the photos wont scare you,cuz i looked freaking damn old and horrible without makeup,my face was seamed with wrinkles.blablabla...i looked ludicrous in the clothes too.
juang,xwei,pying n me,we played around and took many photos~happy moment to be you crazy gurls.haha!especialy xwei,you really made me laugh like a siaopo!
the moment on the stage,we have already gone ahead regardless to dance!yes!success really feeled nice=)let see the photos....

in the room after rehearsal,everyone is busy for changing..

oh ya!!!i have to tell somethings funny happened at there.
after changing,4 of us went to buy "long sou tong"(cantonese)
on the way back to our room,we saw three dogs !xwei and i very excited!haha!ran to see what happened to the three dogs..juang and pying thought the dogs was fierce so didnt follow up
arghh!!!wtfark!look properly at the picture down here..
ignore the black dog between them
the male and female geh,they are so disgusting!ya..fark too much i thk?
i dunwan explain too much,just stuck!
aiyoo,xwei and i just can't help them out=(

we got go baibai and qiu qian~

wekeke,the crafty look of xweixD

heng ah!your expression very funny!haha..
everyone was busy busy busy,but i'm not*
got ahpo so in?yes we dooo..ahpo also love nike geh

pretty pying and 3ahpo!haha and mystitch too
lenglui ash and kimmy
heng very cold la...ash looked serious behind there.
pretty py,funny xw,ghost pw

group picture
haha!!!see!!!we shouted alot~besides us,the indian gurls so hot right?dunno where are those indian boys.haha,they danced indian love story,really nice!love it!love the way they danced,got feel!haha

yeah~kc's two groups!we did it!

the stage~miss it!

our coach!haha,he very happy that night!thanks,we love you!
i watched THE RUINS on tv just now,nice!weeeeee~tomorrow out with my dearest meihui,first time huh?
its kinda late*yawn
night my frens!

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