Sunday, June 7, 2009

yaikz!practise dance constantly

halo~i'm back!its has been a busy and stress week to me,practise and practise,haven't finish study and all the school stuff!

last week had dance training on monday and tuesday,from 1pm to 6pm.ya,i seriously care about dancing wrong step,but i wont care how people say something bad to me cause you are taking notice on the girl who dancing on the stage~and the girl is ME!!!blablabla..... say something bad behind me again!i gonna SLAP YOU!YOU DAMN SHOW OFF GIRL!

the worst things happened to me is the first day of training i LOST MY WAY!!!omg!no one can help me!NO ONE!okey,let start the story...i called my mum fetch me on 615pm but the dance finished on 630pm,argh!you know the dance is surpose to finish on 6pm?!arghh!!bu xuang!at the time i ran to the monorail station and no time to consider how to go back school.bad luck!caught in a rain,i was wet all over and almost forgot where is the monorail station,then i took out my ph and asked juang,haha,i felt successful when i found the monorail station=p i bought the ticket and i was self-righteous took the opposite monorail.the monorail crowds very much!i was standing right there and had a nasty feeling when i heard it said"NEXT STATION BUKIT NANAS".i wonder got this station bo?!after few minutes,it said again"LAST STATION,TITIWANGSA".i get shock!last station?what the fuck is your problem?where is kuen cheng?all people went out so did i.later,a negro came to me and asked "hey girl,are you ok?this is the last station,where you wan to go?",and i was too scared "dunno...dunno.." ya,i keep saying dunno to him,so he said "okey,its ok,dun cry,try to make a phone call?",so i stop crying and called juang again.ashley came to answer my ph call, she said "pwen,calm down,tell me where are you now?", me:"titiwangsa", ash: "huh?that is last station,okey nwm,go back in to the monorail,it will bring you back to tun sanbatan.", me:"okey,thanks shi yi"then i said thank you to that negro!reali thank you!i just can't wait to get back home!

my mum was non-stop called to my phone,maybe i was too stubborn don't let her know that i was lost!i cried again,too shame that i must used my towel to cover my face.ofcourse a kind man came to me again,this time was a white man,hmm,quite handsomeXDaiya,but that is not important at all,cause i have shivered cause caught the rain,damn cold.the man asked the same question to me again"why you cry?where you want to go?" , i was too cold and scared"i didnt cry,its ok,thank you." argghh!!!!thats me!too stubborn!act like nonid people help me!


i reached tun sanbatan and i was bursting with impatience to run out the monorail to the school cause my mum was waiting for me FOR 1 HOUR!the white man shout to me"hey!we get off at the same stop,nice to meet you,i got to go.bye!" haha,i was ugly after cried and face to the handsome angmo said "okk,nice to meet you too,my mum is waiting for me,bye!" ya,i spoke broken english to him,sui bian la!okey,start running again....


damn tired and smelly in the car now,feeling not well for running all the way.i just feeling like wanna vomit and maybe i get shock,can't stop crying(without noisy sound la ofcoz) i know my mum is worried about me so she didnt scold me any word.she just let me cried....


ran into the lavatory of my room to vomit as soon as i reached home.ya,cried for 3 hours..damn scary...that day i seriously collapsed!wtf!

relax relax...later need to practise again

i simply love this photo,see coco under there,staring at the bibi,haha!she bu xuang!chi chu!

abit blur,just finished my bath,this hamsap girl is waiting for me,haha

i'm trying to introduce my doggie,mwah!


my mum's new hair style,nice right?

the lovely smile~


Juang said...

sorpo ! next time dun get lost already lar ~
yorrr !
angmo says nice to meet u to u lerh~
so nice T^T
i hope to get it but i didnt .. ==
okayy ~
dun let shyan noe..

Anonymous said...

aiyoo... why lost?!?!?!
you sat the wrong direction ka.
next time dun sit wrong oo..
dun get lost again oo
glad you ok
lucky dint meet bad ppl.
take care